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IELTS Academic Reading: Cambridge 2 Test 2 Reading passage 1; IMPLEMENTING THE CYCLE OF SUCCESS: A CASE STUDY; with best solutions and best explanations

IELTS Academic Reading: Cambridge 2 Test 2 Reading passage 1; IMPLEMENTING THE CYCLE OF SUCCESS: A CASE STUDY; with best solutions and best explanations

This Academic IELTS Reading post focuses on solutions to IELTS Cambridge 2 Reading Test 2 Reading Passage 1 titledIMPLEMENTING THE CYCLE OF SUCCESS: A CASE STUDY’. This is a targeted post for IELTS candidates who have big problems finding out and understanding Reading Answers in the AC module. This post can guide you the best to understand every Reading answer without much trouble. Finding out IELTS Reading answers is a steady process, and this post will assist you in this respect.

IELTS Cambridge 2 Test 2: AC Reading Module

Reading Passage 1: Questions 1-13


Questions 1-5: Multiple choice questions

[This type of question asks you to choose a suitable answer from the options using the knowledge you gained from the passage. Generally, this question is set found as the last question set in most passages so you should not worry much about it. Finding all the answers for previous questions gives you a good idea about these questions.]

Question no. 1: The high costs of running AHI’s hotels are related to their ______.

Keywords for the question: high costs, running, AHI’s hotels, related to,

The answer is in the first paragraph. First, look at the first few lines, “Within Australia, Australian Hotels Inc (AHI) operates nine hotels and employs over 2000 permanent full-time staff, 300 permanent part-time employees and 100 casual staff. .. .. .”

Then, in lines 11-16 of the same paragraph, the writer says, “ . . . . Similar to many international hotel chains, however, AHI has experienced difficulties in Australia in providing long-term profits for hotel owners, as a result of the country’s high labour-cost structure. .. .. .”

Here, high labour-cost structure = high cost of staff,  

So, the answer is: C (staff)

Question no. 2: SAH’s new organisational structure requires _______.

Keywords for the question: SAH’s new organisational structure, requires,  

The answer can be traced from the final lines of paragraph no. 1 and the first few lines of paragraph no. 2. Let’s have a look.

In the final lines of the first paragraph, the writer says, “ .. . … In order to develop an economically viable hotel organisation model, AHI decided to implement some new policies and practices at SAH.”

Here, some new policies and practices at SAH = SAH’s new organisational structure,

Then, at the beginning of the second paragraph, the writer says, “The first of the initiatives was an organisational structure with only three levels of management – compared to the traditional seven. Partly as a result of this change, there are 25 per cent fewer management positions, enabling a significant saving. .. … ..”

Here, there are 25 per cent fewer management positions = 75% of the old management positions,

So, the answer is: A (75% of the old management positions.)

Question no. 3: The SAH’s approach to organisational structure required changing practices in _________. 

Keywords for the question: SAH’s approach, organisational stricture, changing practices,  

In the third paragraph, the writer says in the beginning, “The hotel also recognised that it would need a different approach to selecting employees who would fit in with its new policies. . .. .”

Here, The hotel = the SAH, a different approach = changing practices, selecting employees = hiring staff,

So, the answer is: C (hiring staff.)

Question no. 4: The total number of jobs advertised at the SAH was ______.

Keywords for the question: total number, jobs advertised, SAH,   

The answer can be found in lines 8-10 of paragraph no. 3, where the writer says, “ . … .. Over 7000 applicants filled in application forms for the 120 jobs initially offered at SAH. .. … .”

Here, 120 jobs initially offered at SAH = 120 jobs advertised at the SAH,

So, the answer is: B (120.)

Question no. 5: Categories A, B and C were used to select ______.

Keywords for the question: Categories A, B, and C, used to select,  

The answer can be found in paragraph no. 4, “A series of tests and interviews were conducted with potential employees, which eventually left 280 applicants competing for the 120 advertised positions. After the final interview, potential recruits were divided into three categories. Category A was for applicants exhibiting strong leadership qualities, Category C was for applicants perceived to be followers, and Category B was for applicants with both leader and follower qualities. Department heads and shift leaders then composed prospective teams using a combination of people from all three categories. Once suitable teams were formed, offers of employment were made to team members.

So, the answer is: B (new teams.)

Questions 6-13: Summary completion

[In this kind of questions candidates are given a summary for one, two or three paragraphs with some fill in the blanks questions. Candidates need to find out the related paragraphs by correctly studying the keywords from the questions. Then, they should follow the steps of finding answers for fill in the gaps.]

Title of the summary: WHAT THEY DID AT SAH

Question no. 6: Teams of employees were selected from different hotel departments to participate in a _________ exercise.

Keywords for the question: teams of employees, selected, different hotel departments, participate, exercise,  

At the end of paragraph no. 5, the writer mentions the selection of employees from different hotel departments, “ . . .. . For example, when office staff are away on holidays during quiet periods of the year, employees in either food or beverage or housekeeping departments can temporarily fill in.”

Here, food or beverage or housekeeping departments = different hotel departments,

Then, take a look at these lines of paragraph no. 6, “ . .. .. SAH management concluded this would first require a process of ‘benchmarking. .. .. . ..”

So, the answer is: benchmarking

Questions no. 7, 8 & 9: The information collected was used to compare 7. ________  processes which, in turn, led to the development of 8. ________ that would be used to increase the hotel’s capacity to improve 9. _________ as well as quality.

Keywords for the questions: information collected, used to compare, processes, led to, development, used to increase, hotel’s capacity, improve, as well as quality,  

Take a look at the these lines of paragraph no. 6, “ .. . . The prime objective of the benchmarking process was to compare a range of service delivery processes across a range of criteria using teams made up of employees from different departments within the hotel which interacted with each other. This process resulted in performance measures that greatly enhanced SAH’s ability to improve productivity and quality.”

Here, resulted = led to, greatly enhanced SAH’s ability to improve = increase the hotel’s capacity to improve, and quality = as well as quality,

So, the answers are:

  1. (a range of) service delivery
  2. (performance) measures
  3. productivity

Question no. 10: Also, an older program known as _______ was introduced at SAH.

Keywords for the question: older program, known as, introduced at SAH,

In paragraph no. 8 of the text, the writer says in the beginning, “In addition, a program modelled on an earlier project calledTake Chargewas implemented.

Here, In addition = Also, a program modelled on an earlier project = an older program, called = known as, was implemented = was introduced,  

So, the answer is: ‘Take Charge’ / Take Charge

Question no. 11: In this program, __________ is sought from customers and staff.

Keywords for the question: sought from customers and staff,

Take a look at lines 3-5 of paragraph no. 8 where the writer says, “ . ..  Essentially, Take Charge provides an effective feedback loop from both customers and employees. . . . .”

Here, Take Charge = this program, loop from both customers and employees = sought from customers and staff,

So, the answer is: feedback

Question no. 12: Wherever possible _________ suggestions are implemented within 48 hours.

Keywords for the question: wherever possible, suggestions, implemented, within 48 hours,   

Again, take a look at lines 5-18 of paragraph no. 8 where the writer says, “ . .. Customer comments, both positive and negative, are recorded by staff. These are collated regularly to identify opportunities for improvement. Just as importantly, employees are requested to note down their own suggestions for improvement. (AHI has set an expectation that employees will submit at least three suggestions for every one they receive from a customer.) Employee feedback is reviewed daily and suggestions are implemented within 48 hours, if possible, or a valid reason is given for non-implementation. .. .. . .”

So, the answer is: employees / employees’ / staff

Question no. 13:  Other suggestions are investigated for their feasibility for a period of up to _________.

Keywords for the question: other suggestions, investigated, feasibility, for a period, up to,   

In paragraph no. 8, the final few lines say, “. . . . … If suggestions require analysis or data collection, the Take Charge team has 30 days in which to address the issue and come up with recommendations.”

Here, suggestions require analysis or data collection = other suggestions are investigated,

So, the answer is: 30 days

Click here for solutions to Cambridge 2 Test 2 Reading Passage 2

Click here for solutions to Cambridge 2 Test 2 Reading Passage 3

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