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IELTS Topic-based vocabulary: crime and punishment; with definitions/meanings and example sentences

IELTS Topic-based vocabulary: crime and punishment; with definitions/meanings and example sentences

This post focuses on a shortlist of some most common words used in IELTS Writing, Speaking, Reading and Listening. Here, IELTS candidates can learn and practice crime and punishment related words. All the words are given here with definitions/meanings and their use in example sentences. This vocabulary list will help you write essays and speak on crime, punishment, court, law, etc. 

Vocabulary list on ‘Crime and Punishment’:  

Arson – the illegal act of deliberately setting fire to property – The police have found evidence of arson near the main control panel.

Bail – the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial – Alicia had been released on bail.

Committo do something illegal or something that is considered wrong – The man has just committed suicide.

Contrabandgoods that have been imported or exported illegally – The shipment was held by the customs department for contraband.

Convictionthe act of officially finding someone guilty – She has a long record of convictions.

Convictedhaving officially been found guilty of a crime in a law court – Joel couldn’t get a job being a convicted criminal.

Counterfeitfake / forged / sham – Rikon was confident that his signature was extremely hard to counterfeit.

Custody – the defensive care or guardianship of someone or something – The witnesses were taken to custody for their protection.

Cybercrimedoing criminal activities over the Internet or a computer system – Fraudulent use of credit cards on the net is a type of cyber-crime.

Death penalty/death sentence / capital punishment – the legal punishment of death for a crime, usually the highest punishment in most of the countries –

Detention – the state of being confined or delayed somewhere, especially kept after school for punishment – Pricilla received detention three times this week. 

Domestic violence – aggressive or violent behaviour within homeDomestic violence has become a daily issue in many developed countries which is quite shocking.

Forgery – the action of forging a copy or imitation of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art – Alice was found guilty of forgery.

Genocide – the intentional killing of a large group of people, particularly those of a particular nation or ethnic group –With the launch of Operation Searchlight on 26th March 1971 the genocide in Bangladesh began.

Guilty – someone who committed and was confirmed liable for a crime – The man was guilty and he deserved punishment.

Homicide – the killing of one person by another – The tenants were charged with homicide.

Human trafficking – the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual abuse for the trafficker or others – Washington became the first state to criminalize human trafficking in 2003.

Identity theft – the deceitful practice of using other person’s name and personal information to acquire credit, loans, etc. – Millions of people in the world are affected by identity theft each year.

Juvenile delinquencythe usual committing of illegal acts or offences by an adolescent/ teenager – Juvenile delinquency is the act of committing a crime at a very young age.

Offencea breach of a law or rule; an illegal act, – Her conduct was purely an intentional offence.

Offender a person who does offense or guilty of crime – Roy was a persistent offender.

Plaintiffa person who brings a case against another person or institution in a court of law – The plaintiff commenced an action for damages that she suffered over the last 5 years.

Plunder – steal goods from (a place or person), naturally using power and in a time of war or civil disorder – Those looters attacked her husband’s place to plunder all his shops.

Poachera person who illegally hunts animals, fish, etc, on someone else’s or public property – Some wildlife sanctuaries in different parts of Africa are still open to poachers.

Propaganda – biased or misleading information that is used to promote a political cause or point of view – Charles and his teammates were charged with handing out enemy propaganda.

Prosecution – criminal court proceeding against someone – The prosecution called Miss Lily, their first witness.

Rehab centrea centre or clinic where people with an alcohol or drug addiction are treated – Annie was taken to a rehab centre for her treatment.

Serial killer – a person who commits a series of murders – Hannibal Lecter, a psychopathic serial killer is the protagonist of the famous novel Silence of the Lambs.

Shopliftera person who pretends to be a customer and steals goods from a shop – The new chain shop has become a target of shoplifters.

Smuggling – the unlawful movement of goods into or out of a country – Smuggling of different drugs is now a very common problem in many nations.

Traitor – someone who betrays a country, cause or a friend – A famous example of a traitor is Brutus in the Play Julias Caesar written by William Shakespeare.  

Trial – a hearing in a court case – One of the abductors is awaiting trial.

Vandalise – intentionally destroy or damage public or private property – The drama stage has been vandalized by a group of teenagers.

Victima person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action – Those people were the victims of domestic violence.

Click here for vocabulary list on ‘Environment’

Click here for vocabulary list on ‘Science and Technology’

Click here for vocabulary list on ‘Education’

Click here for vocabulary list on ‘Pandemic/epidemic/medical crisis’

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