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IELTS Writing Task 2: Sample answers for recent exam questions

IELTS Writing Task 2: Sample answers for recent exam questions

You must write at least 250 words for IELTS Writing Task 2. You will be given a topic to respond to, and you will be judged on your ability to respond by expressing and justifying an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing details, outlining problems, identifying possible solutions, and supporting your writing with reasons, arguments, and relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Task 2 is given more weight in the marking process than Task 1. Writing scripts are marked by British Council or IDP: IELTS Australia-approved qualified and certified IELTS examiners who all have relevant teaching degrees and are hired as examiners by the test centers.

These model answers for these recent IELTS Writing Task 2 questions have been prepared so that candidates and students can gather ideas to generate their own answers.

  1. Many museums charge for admission while others are free.

Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample answer:

Some museums charge entry fee, while others do not have the same policy. The disadvantages of an admission fee, in my opinion, are outweighed by the positives, as the revenue will be used to fund museum operations and further development.

The prospect of decreasing the number of visitors is a key disadvantage of an entrance fee. Exhibits and artifacts of high educational and historical significance are housed at museums. If the primary goal of a museum is to introduce the public to the community, access to the public and visitors should be free. For example, several historical museums in my own country Bangladesh preserve historical as well as war relics and display local customs; and these museums offer free admission. Many people might have switched to other activities if they had levied an entrance fee.

Although an entrance fee may have a detrimental impact on visitors, the income is beneficial to museums in relation to operations. Educational exhibitions are occasionally featured in museums, and this would not have been feasible without a substantial amount of money spent on hiring experts and purchasing equipment. The Liberation War Museum in Bangladesh, for instance, hosts monthly exhibitions on various topics and employs trained tour guides to lead visitors on a guided tour of the museum. This case exemplifies how a reasonable entry fee is advantageous to a museum’s functioning.

In conclusion, the drawbacks of an entrance charge are obscured by the benefits that are gained from a steady source of income. As a result, after considering the benefits and disadvantages, I am certain that museums ought to charge an admission fee to cover operating and improvement costs.

(274 words)

  1. Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weaknesses.

 Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?

Sample answer:

Men and women are usually considered to have different skill sets. It is commonly acknowledged that excluding people from particular positions based on their gender is acceptable, though in very specific circumstances. In this essay I shall first highlight how physical traits restrict females from thriving in specific occupations, and then proceed to explain how society discourages males from certain occupations. 

There has been a general agreement in the military forces for a long time that women should not be allowed to engage in combat missions. This is due to the fact that most females apparently lack the sheer strength needed for this particular job, and therefore it is appropriate to restrict them from joining the troops. The Bangladesh Army, for example, started allowing some women to serve on the front lines, but the Ministry of Defense pronounced the experiment a disaster due to the absence of combat efficacy. Against those odds, numerous women have served in several wars, most notably on the United Nations Peace Corps in some African nations, proving that it is more of a stereotypical attitude rather than their stature that prevents women from performing.

Many traditionally feminine jobs, such as babysitter or beautician, where male participation is yet to be accepted by mainstream society. Different organizations believe it is rather better not to employ men in these positions since the majority of their consumers might not trust a male to conduct the service. From my personal experience,  a close friend of mine failed the interview phase of a babysitting position because he was considered to be the wrong gender.

To conclude, it is legitimate to restrict people from specific fields in limited circumstances, but only until they are physically incapable of performing the tasks or if the common agreement is that the given job is for a particular sex. (305 words)

  1. Governments should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

It is believed that countries should prioritize education over leisure and competitive sports in terms of funding.  National budgets should emphasize schools and colleges over sports and play, as per consensus. This essay will first explore the economic benefits of education, then the social benefits, ultimately giving a well-reasoned conclusion.

One of the best ways to boost a country’s economy over time is to invest in its education system. Better students enrolling in third-level education means a more skilled workforce, which leads to increased creativity and production. Japan and Singapore, for example, decided to devote a big percentage of their budget to education, and as a result, high-tech corporations such as Mitsubishi and Rigel have sprung up. People cannot invest all of their time in working, so these companies provide recreational opportunities for their employees.

Education provides various social benefits in addition to strengthening the economy. People with a higher level of education are more concerned with social issues such as drugs, drinking problem, and sexual health. Indonesia, for example, teaches all of its citizenry about the harms of drugs, resulting in one of the world’s lowest rates of drug misuse. Besides, different games and sports may teach children important soft skills like cooperating and work ethic, which can help avoid social problems.

To conclude, education should be prioritized over sports in terms of finance due to the numerous socioeconomic benefits it provides. Governments should continue to pour money into schools and colleges more and more in order to achieve long-term objectives. Nonetheless, they should be aware that the money does not go wasted as well.

(266 words)

  1. Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example, working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

It is commonly suggested that community service should be included in education curriculum, and that learners should be able to do it for free. This essay will demonstrate how such educational experiences can enrich children by enabling them to become good individuals and more productive citizenry of the country.

Volunteering, beyond a doubt, allows people to have a good rapport with others, not to be ignorant of others’ concerns, and to extend a helping hand to strangers when needed. Young learners must develop these skills early in their life, and schools can be a fantastic place to begin. From my perspective, the school where I used to attend made me a gentler, more compassionate person when my classmates and I engaged in a special program which focused at assisting elderly people with household chores.

Several educationists throughout the world believe that it is crucial to teach young children that they are citizens of a nation and that they have their own rights and obligations. Charity works and social service can surely help to boost this knowledge by demonstrating that even very young individuals can make a difference in the world. In my birthplace in Bangladesh, for example, schoolchildren are encouraged to gather recyclable items like plastic, paper, and glass, and this has raised consciousness among people all over the country who are now more aware about pollution and its effects.

To summarize, doing unpaid work for the cause of a better society offers several benefits, including learning to care for others and having control over what happens in one’s neighborhood. While some countries, such as Bangladesh, have incorporated community service into their curricula, it is my hope that more countries will be able to do so in the future.

(288 words)

  1. The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2000 there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads.

Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use.

What are your views?

Sample answer:

The number of people who use cars as a mode of transportation has risen dramatically in recent years. According to research, the first car was discovered on British Road in 1888, and the number of cars increased drastically over the next 112 years, reaching nearly 29 million. The discussion over whether or not car ownership should be restricted and other modes of transportation implemented has become a topic of great argument.

Human life has unquestionably been made easier by the development of automobiles. Cars, without a doubt, have permanently changed the world of transportation. However, I believe that while cars have numerous advantages, they also have a number of disadvantages. One that is visible in all parts of the world is traffic congestion due to the large number of cars on the road. It is also obvious that automobiles have contributed significantly to air pollution due to the gas they produce.

Bicycles will be a wonderful alternative to cars because they are inexpensive and barely emit pollution; and I believe that bicycling should be encouraged as a result. Cities with a lot of rivers and lakes can readily use boating as a mode of public transportation. Again, public buses, trams, and railroads can be effective options because they transport a huge number of people at once, potentially reducing traffic congestion, pollution, and fuel shortages.

In fine, I reckon the state should set limits on car ownership rigidly in order to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion, and to encourage more people to ride bicycles instead.

(255 words)

  1. Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. 

In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?

Has this become a positive or negative development?

Sample answer:

Human interaction has developed as a result of technological advancements in recent times. Technology has made the globe a more connected place, but it has also resulted in isolation. As a result, its growth has both a positive and negative side which will be explained in the following paragraphs.

On the bright side, technology has allowed close family and friends to be closer than ever before. To be a part of each other’s day, for example, loved ones do not need to be physically in contact; sharing is just a matter of click. People keep connected in a variety of ways, such as posting a picture of their lunch on Instagram or sharing their whereabouts on Whatsapp or Telegram.

Another advantage is the evolution of professional relationships as a result of technology, which has made the workplace more efficient and productive. This is due to the fact that troubleshooting solutions are no longer limited by geography. Professional networking sites like LinkedIn, for example, give a platform for finding the right individual for the job.

Technology, like everything else in this world, has two sides. The disadvantage of technology is that it has aided in the isolation of individuals. To elaborate, persons who struggle with social connection may find it easier to participate in online social networks. As a result, such people prefer to work, learn, and even shop for household items online. Essentially, technology may be utilized to completely eliminate traditional human connection.

To summarize, technology has paved the path for bringing the world closer together and has even made it easier to do so. However, one cannot overlook its negative consequences.

(272 words)

  1. Some people think that the government should strictly control the supply of fresh water, as it is a limited resource, while others it should not be regulated.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Sample answer:

Many people believe that governments must be in charge of public water supplies whereas some people are of the view that no regulation is required here. The former one is, in my opinion, a sound strategy, however there are certain inherent hazards that must be considered as well.

The possibility of government wrongdoing and ineptitude are the most serious flaws in this proposal. Governments in many countries are ill-famed for their bureaucracy and misspend time and money while doing little to further the general public’s interests. Prolonged legal disputes over the restoration of toxic reservoirs in many democratic countries are an excellent example of this. By the time any progress is made, some inhabitants may have already suffered irrevocable injury. Moreover, it is quite possible that the government is corrupt. Bribery is prevalent among both elected and unelected officials, resulting in a preference for commercial and private interests over the interests of ordinary residents.

However, the best insurance of public safety is through government control of fresh water supply. Finding fresh water in many desert countries today, such as those in Africa and the Middle East, is a major difficulty. Political instability is frequently aggravated by conflicts over limited water supplies. In an idealistic situation, a righteous administration may ensure that water is allocated equitably. There are also some safety risks that cannot be neglected. Industrial issues such as rainfall pollution, landfill surface runoff, and new methods like extracting fossil fuels. by creating cracks in rock can readily contaminate water. Governments will be able to safeguard the general people from the abuses of corporate irresponsibility if they regulate water with unbiased autonomy.

To conclude, in spite of the risk that governments will mismanage water supply, they remain the best guardians of public health and safety. This is why water authority oversight is so important.

(300 words)

  1. Many supermarkets are selling more and more products that are imported from other countries instead of selling food that is locally sourced.

What are the reasons for this?

Is this a positive or negative development?

Sample answer:

Some people argue that today’s supermarkets sell quite so many imported goods in comparison to locally produced goods. This, in my opinion, is a result of shifting consumer preferences, and it is indeed a negative development.

The fundamental reason of this situation is a massive shift in consumer behavior. Supermarkets have been able to import products from all over the world because of developments in sea and air transportation during the last century. As a consequence, residents of Europe can experience exotic fruits such as mangos, apricots and pomegranates, which cannot be grown in a four-season climate. Once a person has tried and enjoyed a new meal, they are more likely to try new fruits and vegetables. They then inform others about those meals, and variations in taste become widespread and permanent.

This is a negative change because it affects local farmers as well as the environment. Local producers must now deal with multinational corporations that exploit farmers by sourcing products such as mangoes and bananas at reduced costs. Thus, local farmers cannot survive without government subsidies or must stop their operations as a result of consumers buying the cheaper items. Furthermore, as a result of this development, more fossil fuels are consumed. In other words, imported products allow consumers to purchase outside of season, such as eating asparagus all year, but this necessitates shipping things around the world, which increases the use of fossil fuels in transportation.

To sum up, while supermarkets today allow buyers to broaden their taste buds, this poses significant hazards to local producers and the environment. As a response, import taxes should be substantially high.

(270 words)

  1. Today, TV channels broadcast men’s sports shows more than women’s sport shows.

Why is this happening?

Should TV channels give equal show time for each?

Sample answer:

Most television networks choose to focus on men’s sports over women’s which is stereotyping in a way. This, in my opinion, is a natural outcome of sports history, and more equal importance should be given depending on the sport in issue.

Men’s sports have grown in popularity as a result of their advancement. Traditionally, athletics among men were the primary focus, while women were consigned to more domestic tasks. Although modern society recognizes that this was sexist, the success level of play in male sports cannot be denied.  Professional basketball, for example, is a fantastic example of this, with male leagues like the NBA exhibiting some of the best athletes in the world, executing sophisticated coaching methods, and continuously displaying high skill levels. While women’s basketball has progressed significantly over the last two decades, it still does not provide the same amount of entertainment, but this may improve in the years ahead.

Only the ratings can support equal programming time, as this scenario may take some time to resolve. There are some sports where this is virtually already the case, such as tennis, where women receive equal prize money and have equivalent ratings. This is also true in the United States for international football competitions, where the female squad consistently outperforms their male counterparts. In these cases, it is reasonable to allocate at least, if not more, broadcast time to female athletes. Mandating this approach for all sports before they are ready and the audience exists, on the other hand, is likely to elicit a strong reaction and, in the end, impede the advancement of women’s sports.

In summary, there are complex reasons for the gap in the amount of time men’s and women’s sports are given on television channels, and this should be addressed on an individual basis. Viewers, regardless of gender, will select which sports deserve the greatest attention.

(310 words)

  1. In the 20th century, contact between many different parts of the world has developed rapidly through air travel and telecommunications.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample answer:

The contact between populations in various parts of the world has risen fast through air travel and telecommunications in this digital age, where technology is intertwined in virtually all aspects of people’s life. Although there are benefits and drawbacks to this movement, the benefits much outweigh the drawbacks, which will be detailed in the following paragraphs.

Everything on Earth, including the idea that air travel and telecommunications, which have become increasingly visible in the public, has undeniably both pros and cons. There are a number of drawbacks to consider, but the most prominent one will be discussed in this paragraph. With today’s quickly developing technology, society has a tendency to forget how they lived before it. For example, if a person relies on air travel or telecommunications such as telephones or other technological gadgets too much, he or she may become overly reliant on them and be unable to perform anything or handle present problems.

However, I believe that the benefits of air travel and telecommunications exceed the disadvantages listed. They make life easier and more efficient for people. To give an example, when there were no other technologies or internet connections, my grandparents used to write letters to each other to communicate. As a result, those letters took more than a week to arrive, and some of them were misplaced during the process. Furthermore, they had to sail across the ocean to meet each other back then, which took weeks because there was no other easy mode of transportation like air travel. They claimed that life was more tough back then than it is now.

To conclude, while people can become overly reliant on high-tech ways to communicate with others, such as air travel and telecommunications, I believe their benefits outweigh the drawbacks because they improve people’s lives by making things more convenient, comfortable, and appropriate in today’s digital world.

(311 words)

  1. Some believe that younger family members should be legally responsible for supporting older family members when they become physically, mentally and financially unable to look after themselves.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

Recent legislation has been proposed that would force younger generations to care for elderly family members once they are incapable of taking care of their own. These laws, in my opinion, are ethically responsible, but they should not be enacted due to the numerous instances they fail to consider; and so I disagree with the proposal.

Supporters of the proposal claim that caring for the elderly is a basic responsibility. As parents get older, there is a good possibility they will experience a combination of physical, mental, and financial issues. Because most of the older individuals are unable to work full-time, the responsibility for their care falls to the government or their family. As in the case of a state-funded care home, the government has other priorities, and their care is impersonal. Children who owe a duty to their primary caregivers are in a far better position to offer caring assistance. This could entail living with them, providing financial assistance, or assisting with medical expenditures.

This, however, ignores the different aspects in which this type of treatment is inappropriate. Many parents would rather care for themselves later in life than to be a burden to their children. Others may have been absent from their children’s lives or even abusive. Furthermore, the assistance that youngsters provide is likely to obstruct their own progress in adulthood. If they are wealthy, they can employ someone to look after their parents and the monetary help will not be a problem. Most working-class families, on the other hand, will find it difficult to rise socially if they are burdened with the responsibility of caring for aging parents, especially if this involves large medical expenditures.

In summary, in spite of the moral grounds, there are simply too many instances when these laws would result in injustices and inconvenient situations. Therefore, elderly people should have the ability to care for themselves.

(313 words)

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