IELTS Writing Task 2: Cambridge 12 Test 5, both view topic: information sharing, with strategies, model answer and bonus tips

IELTS Writing Task 2: guide to Cambridge 12 Test 5, both view topic: information sharing, with strategies, model answer and bonus tips

In IELTS Writing Task 2, we have to write different kinds of essays. One of the most common essays is BOTH VIEW essay. Here, in this post, I’m focusing on a ‘both view topic’ from Cambridge IELTS 12 Test 5. The topic of the essay is information sharing. Have a look at the strategies to write the essay because it will guide you to a successful score. I’ve also provided a model answer here with bonus tips.

IELTS Writing Task 2: Cambridge 12 Test 5, both view topic: information sharing, with strategies, model answer and bonus tips

Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business, and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Strategies to write the answer:

You must brainstorm the ideas first and then take some notes on what to write. You should also decide about the number of paragraphs and what to put down in each of these paragraphs.


  1. This is a ‘both view’ essay.
  2. The subject matter is sharing information and ideas.
  3. One view is the positive aspects of information sharing.

Here, are some points to ponder:

  • Important for going forward
  • Scientific inventions and theories should be shared
  • Teachers must share information
  • Businesses cannot grow without sharing ideas
  1. Another view is the negative aspects of information sharing.

Here, are some points to ponder:

  • Risky for business
  • Leaked ideas can cause a loss
  • Countries may be at risk for illegal information sharing
  • Crimes like identity theft and blackmailing
  • Hacking online servers and personal accounts
  1. Paragraphing: There should be four paragraphs here:
  • 1st paragraph: Introduction: 

Present the topic with an interesting start.

Write about the two sides (both views).

Paraphrase the title of task 2 from the question. 

  • 2nd paragraph: Body 1:

Discuss the positive sides of information sharing with evidence.

  • 3rd paragraph: Body 2:

Discuss the positive sides of information sharing with evidence.

  • 4th paragraph: Conclusion:

Conclude the writing by stating issues once again but in a different tone.

Don’t copy from the question or 1st paragraph.

Decide which view you support.

Now, you are ready to write the answer. Try to use less common words and sentence constructions. Below is a sample answer prepared by me.

Model Answer:

We live in an age of information which is the means to succeed these days and there is no better way to learn it than sharing with the people of the world. However, the question always remains of what, how much, and in what ways we should exchange this information. This essay focuses on the diverse attitudes towards information sharing and a reasoned conclusion with my personal opinion.

Initially, I think many people believe it is important to share information if we want to go forward in the fields of education, science, business, and so on. Scientists must share their latest discoveries with other researchers around the world otherwise their own invention, discovery, research, or survey will fail to achieve acceptability. Moreover, if ideas, plans or new learning are not shared by teachers and students with the rest of the world, the purpose of education also fails and distance learning over the Internet can be included in this respect as the best example. As far as business goes, I personally know some successful business people who often say that they cannot think of a world without new entrepreneurs and expert businessmen confining themselves and not sharing their ideas.

Conversely, lots of people do not like the idea of sharing information and ideas for several reasons. One of them is the risk of losing a successful business which may threaten the future of a company or organization. One of my close friend’s father lost his well-positioned business when he shared his success secret with the media. Furthermore, sharing of information may also lead to chaotic political instability in some countries which may threaten the sovereignty of nations around the world. Additionally, if there is no regulation on information sharing, crimes like identity theft and blackmail will occur regularly. Hacking online servers and Facebook or Instagram accounts can be quoted in this context as valid examples.

In fine, I believe while there are cogent arguments for the free and fair flow of information in science and academic fields, there should be limits on what information we share publicly, especially, issues like personal pictures, videos, certain business ideas, and sensitive national documents, and so on. Therefore, I partly support both views.

(340 words)

Bonus tips: 

Remember to use supporting sentences and some examples from your experience. It can be your personal or academic experience, but it has to be logical and related to the topic you are writing.

Also, pay attention to the bold+italic words/phrases in the answer. Every paragraph of an essay should contain words like ‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘My’ or phrases that contain these words. This is how you tell the examiner- ‘this is your personal and original ideas’. 

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19 thoughts on “IELTS Writing Task 2: guide to Cambridge 12 Test 5, both view topic: information sharing, with strategies, model answer and bonus tips

  1. Extremely helpful tips on how to build a powerful essay for the second task of the writing section of IELTS.

  2. extremely helpful tips, but i need still more writing task 2 answers from cambridge ielts 12,8,9,10 ,13

  3. hello
    thank you so much for good tips.
    can you please tell me what is the band score for the given sample?

  4. Hello dear Najibur Rasul. I need your help. I’m lack of ideas and vocabularies most of the time .How could I overcome these problems

    1. Hello,
      I believe you need to study different topics on a regular basis. And you need to make some notes (about the ideas such as; reasons, solutions, advantages, disadvantages, etc.) in an exercise book. And check your notes with an expert trainer.

  5. Thank you Mr. Najib, sharing a powerful work with us, and I think, it’s a great help not only for the new comer for IELTS but also smae to all kinds of reader

  6. Hi I just wanted to say that genuinely im so grateful that this page exists and someone wrote all of this for us to learn and observe than you thank you , was a perfect aid for me booossss

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