IELTS General Training Reading: Cambridge 13 Test 1 Section 3; A visit to Oymyakon, the world’s coldest town; with top solutions and best explanations

IELTS General Training Reading: Cambridge 13 Test 1 Section 3; A visit to Oymyakon, the world’s coldest town; with top solutions and best explanations

This General Training IELTS Reading post focuses on solutions to IELTS Cambridge 13 Reading Test 1 Section 3 that has a passage titled A visit to Oymyakon, the world’s coldest town’. This is a targeted post for GT IELTS candidates who have big problems finding out and understanding Reading Answers in the GT module. This post can guide you the best to understand every Reading answer without much trouble. Finding out IELTS Reading answers is a steady process, and this post will assist you in this respect.

IELTS Cambridge 13 Test 1: GT Reading Module

Section 3: Question 28-40

The headline of the passage: A visit to Oymyakon, the world’s coldest town

Questions 28-36:  List of headings

[In this question type, IELTS candidates are provided with a list of headings, usually identified with lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc,). A heading will refer to the main idea of the paragraph or section of the text. Candidates must find out the equivalent heading to the correct paragraphs or sections, which are marked with alphabets A, B, C and so forth. Candidates need to write the appropriate Roman numerals in the boxes on their answer sheets. There will always be two or three more headings than there are paragraphs or sections. So, some of the headings will not be used. It is also likely that some paragraphs or sections may not be included in the task. Generally, the first paragraph is an example paragraph that will be done for the candidates for their understanding of the task.

Tips to answer this question: Don’t read the list of headings first. Have a quick look at the questions, and go straight to the first question and start reading the paragraph associated with it. Skimming is the best reading technique. You need not understand every word here. Just try to gather the gist of the sentences. That’s all. Read quickly, and don’t stop until you finish each sentence.]

Question 28: Paragraph A  

In paragraph A, the final few lines talk about the positive sides of Oymyakon which is better than its known reputation of a hard place to live in, “ . .. . …  Siberia isn’t known for its pleasant appearance. It’s always billed as a place of hardship. But for hour after hour, the wintry wonderland was bathed in a crisp, clean sunshine, presenting a continuous panorama of conifer trees wreathed in silence and snow.”

Here, Siberia isn’t known for its pleasant appearance = its reputation, presenting a continuous panorama of conifer trees wreathed in silence and snow = better than its reputation,

So, the answer is: ix (Better than its reputation)

Question 29: Paragraph B

In paragraph B, have a look at lines 3-5, “ . . .. . . Down in a valley, we stopped to look at a hot spring beside the road. It was immediately obvious against the snow – a spot shrouded in heavy mist. . .. .. .”

Here, a hot spring . .. .. . immediately obvious against the snow = a clear contrast in the landscape,

So, the answer is: iv (A contrast in the landscape)

Question 30: Paragraph C

The first half of paragraph C describes the extremely dangerous effects of going outside, “ . .. . . its reputation for hardship hit me every time I climbed out of the vehicle. Within less than a minute, the skin all over my face began to feel as if it were burning. If I wasn’t wearing my two sets of gloves, I rapidly lost the feeling in my fingertips. I learned very quickly not to draw too deep a breath because the shock of the cold air in my lungs invariably set me off on an extended bout of coughing. . … .”

Here, climbed out of the vehicle = going outside,

So, the answer is: ii (The effects of going outside)

Question 31: Paragraph D

Paragraph D talks about the present and the past of Oymyakon.  

Oymyakon is a quiet little town – the world’s coldest – of about 550 inhabitants, with its own power station, a school, two shops and a small hospital. It probably originated as a seasonal settlement where reindeer herders spent the summer on the banks of the Indigirka River.”

Here, Oymyakon is a quiet little town = the present,

It probably originated as a seasonal settlement = the past,

So, the answer is: iii (Oymyakon past and present)

Question 32: Paragraph E

In paragraph D, the writer talks in detail about the extreme weather affected Oymyakon due to its location.

“ . .. . . A number of factors combine to explain Oymyakon’s record low temperatures. It is far from the ocean, with its moderating effect on air temperature. In addition, the town sits in a valley, below the general level of the Oymyakon Plateau, which, in turn, is enclosed on all sides by mountains up to 2,000 metres in height. As the cold air sinks, it accumulates in the valley, with little wind to disturb it. Oymyakon’s average temperature in January is -50°C. … . . .”

So, the answer is: vi (How Oymyakon is affected by its location)  

Question 33: Paragraph F  

In paragraph F, have a look at line no. 2, “ . .. There are hardly any modern household conveniences.. .. .. .”

Here, the hardly any modern household conveniences = very few facilities in buildings,

So, the answer is: x (Very few facilities in buildings)   

Question 34: Paragraph G

In paragraph G, the writer describes how people stay warm or keep out the cold in Oymyakon. Take a look at these lines, “The power station provides winter heating in the form of hot water, but many houses lie outside its range and rely on their own wood-burning stove. . .. .”

“ . … . . Everybody in Oymyakon owns good boots, a hat made of animal fur and fur-lined mittens. The boots are usually made from reindeer hide, which is light but keeps your feet very warm .. . . ..”

So, the answer is: vii (Keeping out the cold)  

Question 35: Paragraph H

In paragraph H, have a close look at the first few lines, “Oymyakon’s two shops keep a decent stock of basic foods in tins and packets, but locals also have do-it-yourself options, including hunting, trapping, ice-fishing, reindeer-breeding and horse-breeding. . .. . ..”

Here, basic foods in tins and packets, . . .. . . hunting, trapping, ice-fishing, reindeer-breeding and horse-breeding = various sources of supplies,

So, the answer is: i (Various sources of supplies)  

Question 36: Paragraph I

Paragraph I talks about another challenging time of the year, the summer time, “ . .. … In the summer Oymyakon can be uncomfortably hot. Much of the forest becomes boggy, so mosquitoes are a constant presence. .. … .”

This means winter isn’t the only challenging time of the year in Oymyakon; summer time can be equally challenging.

So, the answer is: viii (Not the only challenging time of the year)

Questions 37-40:  Summary completion

[In this kind of questions candidates are given a summary for one, two or three paragraphs with some fill in the blanks questions. Candidates need to find out the related paragraphs by correctly studying the keywords from the questions. Then, they should follow the steps of finding answers for fill in the gaps.]

Title of the summary: Why Oymyakon gets so cold

Question 37: Oymyakon is a long way from any __________ which would prevent the temperature from falling so low.  

Keywords for this question: Oymyakon, long way from, any, would prevent, temperature, falling so low,  

The answer can be found in paragraph E where the writer details the reasons behind the extreme cold temperature of Oymyakon.

Here, lines 2-3 say, “ . .. . A number of factors combine to explain Oymyakon’s record low temperatures. It is far from the ocean, with its moderating effect on air temperature. . . .”

Here, far from = a long way from,

So, the answer is: ocean  

Question 38 & 39: The town is located in a _________ within a plateau surrounded by __________.   

Keywords for the questions: town, located in a , within a plateau, surrounded by,

In lines 3-5 of paragraph E, the writer mentions, “ . .. In addition, the town sits in a valley, below the general level of the Oymyakon Plateau, which, in turn, is enclosed on all sides by mountains up to 2,000 metres in height. . .. . . .”

Here, the town sits in = the town is located in, below the general level of the Oymyakon Plateau = within a plateau, enclosed on all sides by = surrounded by,

So, the answers are:

  1. valley
  2. mountains

Question 40: Because there is not much _________, cold air collects in the town.   

Keywords for this question: because, not much, cold air, collects,

In paragraph E, in lines 5-6, the writer explains, “ … . .. As the cold air sinks, it accumulates in the valley, with little wind to disturb it. . .. .”     

Here, little = not much,

As the cold air sinks, it accumulates = cold sir collects,

So, the answer is: wind  

Click here for solutions to Cambridge 13 GT Test 1 Section 1

Click here for solutions to Cambridge 13 GT Test 1 Section 2

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