IELTS Speaking: Cambridge 12 Test 5; complete test with model answers

IELTS Speaking: Cambridge 12 Test 5; complete test with the best model answers

This is a top complete solution to Cambridge IELTS 12 Test 5 Speaking section. Here I’ve provided all the best example answers for Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 questions. If you follow the post, you will have a clear idea about the total IELTS Speaking Test. You can adjust any of the answers according to your own situation.

Let’s have a look at the questions and answers.

IELTS Speaking: Cambridge 12 Test 5; complete test with model answers

Part 0:

Well, this may sound funny to many of you. However, this means a lot and it is absolutely a very important part of any IELTS candidate. If you can break IELTS speaking exam into 4 parts starting with Part 0, it will be easier for you to tackle many unwanted and problematic situations.

To have a clear understanding of this section, follow the link below:

IELTS Speaking: Part 0, an important preliminary stage & the best way to face it

Part 1:


Is it important to you to eat healthy food? Why/ why not?

Answer: Yes, I think it’s really important to eat healthy food. It’s important because by eating healthy food we can keep active and fit. Healthy food provides important nutrients in our body which keeps us energetic and free of diseases.

If you catch a cold, what do you do to feel better? Why?

Answer: If I catch a cold, I take a hot shower or wipe my whole body with warm water. This helps me feel better. I also take flu shot, it helps me sometimes. If my body condition worsens, I consult with my doctor/GP and he/she suggests me better medications.

Do you pay attention to public information about health? Why/ why not?

Answer: Yes, I am very aware of public information about health. It is important because it gives us the extra benefit of gathering some important updates about health conditions. We get some tips and new ideas for local treatments which is quite cost-friendly. We also get advice about our lifestyle and the changes needed to enjoy a disease-free life.

What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?

Answer: There are a lot of things that we can do to have a healthier lifestyle. We need to be conscious of our health and the environment. We must take healthy foods like green vegetables, ripe fruits, pure water, and low-fat and low-carb foods. Moreover, we should not take fast food or junk food as they are unhealthy. Fizzy drinks should also be avoided by us. Besides, we should not eat voraciously. We must do some physical exercise every day. All these activities can lead us to a healthier lifestyle.

Click the following links for practicing other Speaking Part 1 topics:

Part 2:

Describe an occasion when you had to wait a long time for someone or something to arrive.

You should say:

  • Who or what you were waiting for
  • How long you had to wait
  • Why you had to wait a long time
  • And explain how you felt about waiting a long time.

Model answer:

Thank you for this topic card. I’m going to describe such an event when I had to wait for hours for one of my cousin’s arrival. As far as I can remember, it was nearly 5 years ago. I used to work in Paris at that time as a project manager for the company where I work now. I planned with my cousin and her husband from Italy that we should meet somewhere in between. We decided to meet in Bern, Switzerland, and then visit some tourist places together and stay in the same hotel. Amazingly, I had a weird feeling that something like a small mix-up might happen at this meeting.

Sadly, my journey didn’t start well and on the way from Paris to Bern, my flight had been delayed two times and I arrived in Bern 8 hours later. I was an alien in that new city. I knew no one there and had to struggle with the language so much because I couldn’t find a person who could understand me. I reached Ambassador Hotel after a lot of trouble. Anyway, my cousin also faced the same problem co-incidentally. I gave her the location of the Ambassador Hotel. But when I reached there, the receptionist informed me that they didn’t check in yet. I became confused and frustrated. After waiting in the lobby for about an hour, I started panicking for my cousin and my brother-in-law. I waited for one more hour and then decided to start looking for them at the airport.

Luckily, I met a very generous couple in the hotel who were also from Paris. The gentleman came forward and assured me that nothing bad would happen because Bern was a very safe place for tourists. He advised me to pass some time with him and his wife in the lobby. After 2 and a half hours of waiting, I heard someone calling me from behind. I looked behind and saw them waving at me. I felt so much relieved at that time.

I don’t mind waiting for someone but this was one of the most terrible experiences for me. It’s because both my cousin’s family and I were new in Switzerland. So, I was having trouble as I was thinking about so many bad things. Finally, after looking at their faces I became myself again. I hope it doesn’t happen to me or anyone anymore. Thank you.

This is a similar topic card to the following link:

Part 3:

Discussion topics:

Arriving early:

In what kinds of situations should people always arrive early?

Answer: There are many different situations when people should arrive early. For example, if people want to receive someone they should arrive at the airport or bus stop early. Going to an appointment, job interview or exam hall also requires arriving early. There are some crucial jobs where arriving early is extremely important such as doctor, police, traffic police, etc.

How important is it to arrive early in your country?

Answer: In my country arriving early is considered one of the best qualities of a person. We do not like people who arrive late, especially, if he/she is the host. So, in every invitation, the hosts and the guests are really alert about it. People do not like to waste their time and when they see someone making late, they get impatient and sometimes angry.

How can modern technology help people to arrive early?

Answer: Technology can help us to arrive early in many ways. I always use the reminder option on my smartphone. I think it’s a great system to manage our personal life. When there is an important meeting for me to attend, I generally use the reminder and set an alarm one hour before the meeting so that I can reach there at least 20 minutes prior. We can do the same on our laptops and desktops as well. There are some smart watches that have excellent alarm and reminder options too. We can use them to arrive early.

 Being patient:

What kinds of jobs require the most patience?

Answer: All the service jobs such as counseling, nursing, banking, teaching, etc. require the highest amount of patience. Some jobs where different pieces of training are involved also need the same such as Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, etc.

Is it always better to be patient in work (or, studies)?

Answer: Well, it’s difficult to put an opinion on this. Some will say it is better to be patient in all situations; others may disagree. What I believe is that we need to consider the situation skillfully and decide whether to be patient or not. Generally, it is a good human quality to be patient. But, if it makes no fruit, it’s not worth being patient. Rather, taking some actions may provide results.

Do you agree or disagree that older people are more patient than young people?

Answer: I agree that old people are more than young people. It is because they are more experienced and wiser than young people. Young guys are impatient which brings zero results in most cases. Here, an elderly or old person would be patient enough. For example, old people are more relaxed at airports or bus stops when there is a delay or any other problem. Teenagers or young people get panicked easily. But old people can control their emotions easily.

This is the end of the post.

I hope you enjoyed the post and it’s been helpful for you. Please put your comments about it and let me know how else I can help you.

Click here for Cambridge 12 Test 5 Writing Task 2 answer with solutions and explanations

Click here for Cambridge 12 Test 5 Writing Task 1 answer with solutions and explanations 

Click here for Cambridge 12 Test 5 Reading Passage 3 answers with solutions

Click here for Cambridge 12 Test 5 Reading Passage 2 answers with solutions

Click here for Cambridge 12 Test 5 Reading Passage 1 answers with solutions

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17 thoughts on “IELTS Speaking: Cambridge 12 Test 5; complete test with the best model answers

    1. Dear Anuradha,
      To improve your speaking, you need to set a target to practice speaking every day, whether you can successfully do it or not.
      SO, here is what you can do:
      1. Make a routine to speak every day.
      2. Try to speak about random topics (for at least 2 minutes)
      3. If you have a partner who can help you to check your mistakes and learn from them, it’s the best.
      4. Start speaking about general topics in front of an expert. Then, try to speak in depth.
      5. You can always follow the model answers for different topic cards here on this website.

    1. Dear Anuradha,
      To improve your speaking, you need to set a target to practice speaking every day, whether you can successfully do it or not.
      SO, here is what you can do:
      1. Make a routine to speak every day.
      2. Try to speak about random topics (for at least 2 minutes)
      3. If you have a partner who can help you to check your mistakes and learn from them, it’s the best.
      4. Start speaking about general topics in front of an expert. Then, try to speak in depth.
      5. You can always follow the model answers for different topic cards here on this website.

  1. Thank you so much for this post. I’ve headed that we should not follow model answers because it does not allow to make our own answer. would you please let me know your idea? is it correct?


    1. Dear Mr. Hamid, I’m not sure I could really understood your point? Is it somehow possible for you to rephrase what you’ve said?

  2. Dear admin, i can understand everything who speaks with me in english. I cannot speak with them like that how can i improve my problem.

    1. You need someone (friends or family members) who knows how to talk in English. You must practice with him/her a lot. You also need a clear guidance from your trainers in English on how to prepare easily and swiftly.
      You can mail me @ if you need more ideas and instructions about this.

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